my name is Patrascu Camelia and I am from Romania. In September 2024, I was in Seoul in an excursion with Eturia agency. We visited the Ginseng Museum and I bought some ginseng pills, tea and a powder for imunity. The pills were for my diabet and, after 3 mounths, when I did the blood analizes I noticed that my glicemy down. I was very very happy for this. So, I want to by more pills but I dont know if you send a package so far away.
Ang ginseng product ay maganda sa health highly recommended
Lalo na ang taekuk honeyed ginseng gusto ko omorder ulit.
Pauline Yeoh-Lee
I was very impressed by the courteous service & she was able to explained & describe each product very well. I have one query. I bought a box of ginseng powder for my family. And a box of ginseng premium tablets. (Bought in your museum shop on 22 Sept 2024)
Andrea Weber
I visited your place last April and the Honeyed Ginseng was working wonder on me, especially on my menopause symptoms and sleeping problem. I cant wait to have my new order send to me soon.
Gulay Demircan
I’ve purchased Tae Kuk Ginseng Powder ( 3x100g) and started to use the product recently. First of all, I’m so glad to be informed about the products in detail at the Ginseng Centre in South Korea. As an individual who has a healthy and balanced lifestyle, I feel so happy to use those qualified products to support my general wellness . I also advise my friends and let them know more knowledge about Korean Ginseng products. Due to living overseas, I’d like to buy products online again in the future.
Awal ikut tour 1 kali mencoba Gingseng ini taekuk honey Gingseng 1-3 bulan saya coba berturut sangat bagus dan hasil nya membantu untuk penyakit saya .sampe 2 kali ke Korea kembali membeli prodak ini lagi sangat bagus .semoga saya bisa ke 4 kali lagi untuk ke Korea lagi di tahun mendatang
Noah Eriksson
Chanced to visit this establishment while on a day tour, and it seems like Korean Ginseng is trending worldwide. I picked the ginseng roots fermented with honey as I intended to gift it to my mum. 3 months gone, and she is pressing me to get her more because she felt the improvement in her sleep quality and stamina. Awesome product!
Camila H.
I had an incredible experience here during my time in Seoul last spring. Informative displays about Korean Ginseng were shared, and I am convinced by the team of how it is beneficial to me. This is my second time reordering the ginseng extract capsules for my family and me!
Robert Tan
This is my third time repurchasing their Hwang Sam Chun Hwallyeoksam Capsule. Trustworthy product!
Brian Loh
Probably one of the best quality Korean Ginseng Powder I ever tried. Tried another local brand after I ran out of supply but everyone in my family could immediately tell the difference after the first taste. Thank you for the fast response and looking forward in receiving the parcel soon!
Gustavo Sanz
Out of curiosity, I decided to try on Hwallyeoksam capsules after hearing an interesting presentation on Korean Ginseng. I really like how ginseng improves my stamina and health after 5 months of consumption. Thank you and definitely recommending the capsule to my friends and family in Mexico.
Kathryn Thompson
United States of America
Never missed a day going without the powder for 4 months now, and my allergy symptoms continue to abate. Thank you so much.
Raymond Tay
I remembered being a bit skeptical when I first learnt of Korean Ginseng during my family holidays back in Korea during 2022. My wife was so determined to try on their Hwallyeoksam Capsule as we were always restless after long hours of work. Fortunately that was our best buy during the whole trip. Already make a reservation to pick up my new batch of capsules when I will be visiting Seoul next week!
Korea (Republic of)
가을이라 한국에 아름다운 단풍을보러온 미국친구와 시티투어를 갔다가 가이드님 소개로 경북궁 근처에 있는 청하고려인삼가게를 방문하게 되었습니다
기대와 달리 입구에서 부터 아름다운 인삼공예품들이 전시되어 있었고 2층엔 인삼역사에 대해 전시해둔 박물관도 보았어요 규모와 퀄리트가 아주훌륭해서 친구도 만족해 하니 저도 좋더라구요
이츰을지나 3층에도 인삼 공예품들이 전시되어 있었고
만나는 직원들도 너무 친절해서.
평소 인삼을 즐겨드시는부모님을. 위해.
저와친구는 작은 선물을 하나씩 구매하고 돌아왔답니다
한국에 오시면 청하고려인삼 박물관 꼭 보고 가세요~^^
Jaslyn Heng
My family is a big supporter of your extract capsule since we bought them on our family trip to Korea back in 2017. Ever since then, we have been repurchasing them through the our friends who were visiting Korea previously. Fortunately I found the official website and reserved a visitation. We are looking forward in revisiting the center on our upcoming trip to Korea this month.
marietta tan alfanta
i had purchase doctor ginsend twice in the past 3 years before covid struck. i have proven the effectivity of the product. i hope through this review i can get through your website and i have written my email add for another order. hoping for your kind attention. thank you.
I was told by my friend to buy ginseng on her behalf after she knows that I am visiting Seoul. Found my way here with the help of google and was so convinced by my friends recommendation that I decided to try them out myself too. Friendly staffs.
Isabella Rodríguez
United States of America
This was my third re-purchase from them ever since I learnt and tried their ginseng extract.
K.V. Rajendran
Very good product. I was using this Ginseng very long time ago. When I came firstly in Saudi Arabia I have bought from pharmacy and was used for one month. After I have visited Seoul, South Korea we have bought Hwallyeoksam premium and still using the Ginseng.
Choong Lee Lee
During my last visit to Seoul. The tour guide bring us to this Ginseng Museum. I bought some bottles of Ginseng extract. After consuming the Ginseng, My immune system much better and not easily feel tired after the whole day work. The product is costly but worth investing on our health. I will continue support Cheong Ha Korean Ginseng. Good product!
United States of America
I visited South Korea three years ago and a group of us were taken to the museum. I was interested in what I heard and I bought Korean Ginseng Powder. My mom is going through menapause and I gave her my bottle of ginseng and she was very happy with the results. I am ordering more to give her another bottle and to get a bottle for me.
I bought Ginseng extract from Cheong Ha in year of 2018. I used to be very fatigue, low blood and less active and after I consume it for 2 years and I benefited very much. Now im very energetic and healthier. Thank you for the explanation and guidance from Cheong Ha. I’m purchasing once again to replenish my stock. Thank you.
I’m one of the lucky winner on their fb live session. Can’t wait to try out their products after hearing all the good reviews! Also hope to visit korea soon to buy more products!
Penny chee yoke peng
Priscilla Tan
Penny Chee Yoke Peng
去年來參觀, 購買了一盒黑色紙盒, 而盒面其中有寫著九蒸九曝的寫, 而盒內有3小盒, 而每小盒內有12gX10小包, 給媽媽飲, 她說好好, 請問我現在可以怎樣購買.
這次來到韓國參觀了人蔘田.了解了很多人蔘不同的性質, 工作人員也很耐心的回答,所以我也買了粉來吃.主要是給小朋友吃.目前剛開始吃.希望有想要的效果,
Chua Sok Peng
I ordered online and the products were sent to me promptly ! very good service ! Thank you , will definitely purchase again !
I bought the Ginseng extract when I travelled to Seoul . It is really very effective. After using this product,I rarely get cold or fever. Now, I want to buy more.
Doctor ginseng is perfect herbs korean ginseng.
Do you have email address ? Because i want ask any product and i want buy doctor ginseng again.
Thank you Mr Fready.
You may contact us by sending in an enquiry order on the product link.
Jeffery Kalordon
South Africa
Was in Seoul last month for a business conference, visited the Ginseng Center by chance during my tour. I decided to get the capsule as everyone else were seems to be buying something. Well, it is my daily source for natural energy now. Thank you for introducing me such a good stuff.
Yanly yeung
Hong Kong
Mohamad Zakaria
I went to South Korea on end of May 2018 and convinced by the promoter and forced by my friends i buy some products.
After taking these products for more than one month, my blood pressure turns to normal. My endurance and vitality increase.
How I wish to know about the goodness of this product earlier!
Our visit to the museum was very interesting. The staff were impressive and organised.
I bought the honeyed ginseng for me and the taekuk extract( 300g) for my parent.
Thank you.
Melany Titaley
Saya menggunakan Doctor Ginseng sejak Mei 2018 yang saya rasakan badan saya tdk mudah capek kemudian saya yang paling susah BAB sekarang jadi lancar. Aktvitas saya menjadi lebih enak dan badan terasa lebih ringan. Saya langsung beli di Toko nya di Korea
Xuân Thảo
Viet Nam
Cách đây 6 tháng tôi đã được tư vấn mua sản phẩm bột thiên sâm ở trung tâm nhân sâm chongha, bản thân là nhân Viên bán hàng thường xuyên pải tiếp xúc với nhiều khách một ngày nên họng đau và rát nhưng sau khi sử dụng sản phẩm tôi rất ấn tượng với hiệu quả mà bột thiên sâm mang lại, họng tôi ko còn đau và da dẻ đẹp hơn rất nhiều, tôi hay trộn vào sữa chua ăn mỗi ngày và trở thành thói quen không thể thiếu của tôi.
在一次跟團來韓國的機會認識了高麗太極人蔘,那時候我買了人蔘正果,因為對女生好。我本身有hormone imbalance問題,尤其經期都不准時,有時沒有還不來。吃了大概3個月的人蔘正果后,這些問題都改善了,也沒有經痛的問題了。到現在,每年都會買正果吃。
Annyeonghaseyo, 3 bulan lalu saya baru balik dari Korea, tour ada bawa ke tempat ginseng. Kemarin itu saya ada beli ginseng madu buat saya dan dan mamaku makan. Mamaku ada tyroid dan badannya suka terasa panas. Baru-baru ini ada ke dokter check up lagi dan dokter bilang tyroidnya sudah lebih kecil. Saya juga kalo lagi cape atau datang bulan makan 2 keping lebih tidak cape rasanya. Recommended banget ini. Awalnya memang ga begitu percaya, tapi betul-betul habis makan ada juga kasiatnya. Bagus juga.
The ginseng extract works very well for me! Always replenish my supply in the center whenever I visit Seoul for business. Good job!
PerkenalkansayaSusantiWidjayadari Surabaya.Tahunlalutantesayaadajalan-jalanke Korea beli ginseng bubuk.Kemudiankasihsayasebagaioleh-oleh.Sebenarnyasayapunyagejala sinus.Makanyatantesayasuruhcobaminum.Sayasempatmenolakkarena rasa ginseng pahit.Tapitantesayabilangbolehcampurkedalammakandanminuman.Jadinyasayacobacampurkedalamsusu yang tiapharisayaminum. Dan memangternyatatidakada rasa ginseng lagi.Setelah 3 bulanmakan, sinus sayatidakseparahsebelumnya.Selainitusaya juga adabuatuntuk masker untukpemakaianluarbagusuntukkulit.
Susan Tan Meiling
I joined the package tour with my family and visited their ginseng museum. The company looks like they invested a lot of money on the museum to let us know more about ginseng. My parents were very interested in ginseng, so we bought some to try. After a weeks, my parents felt better like their 精神比较好. So I think it’s worth the try.
Katelyn Nguyen Tran
Viet Nam
Nice product! I have bought a Cheonil Ilhwa Korean Ginseng Powder on my last trip to Korea.
Mdm Kiew
我不吃也不相信supplements,在偶然機會下,認識了太極嵾,我買了extract, powder, honey ginseng,除了在這1年內不看醫生以外,臉上的黑斑也淡化了,連很久沒見到的朋友都說我年輕了,所以現在每年我都會來韓國大量入貨。
Korea (Republic of)
저는 50대중반의 식당을 운영하고 있는사람입니다
아침일찍 가게문을열고 저녁늦게문을 닫다보니 매일피곤이 쌓여있고
기관지도안좋아 올2월달 처음 일화분말을 먹게되었습니다
현제까지 복용하고있습니다 정말 일화분말덕분에 건강해진것갔습니다
Oliver Davies
First of all, I am not an herbs person. But going to Ginseng Center is compulsory in the day tour package. I am surprised with the consultants’ services. They are so well-mannered, patient and information delivered was very detailed. I was reluctant to attempt but in the end I’ve decided to try one of their products because is very convincing. That was the best decision made in South Korea, because my parents love it!
โดยส่วนตัวเราทานโสมเป็นประจำอยู่แล้ว ทานมา5-6ปีได้ ก็รู้สึกว่าร่างกายเราแข็งแรงขึ้น กระปรี้กระเปร่า ภูมิแพ้ก็ไม่ค่อยเป็น(เราเป็นภูมิแพ้อากาศ ฝุ่นละออง ชอบเป็นหวัดบ่อยๆ) และที่สำคัญผิวพรรณเปล่งปลั่งขึ้น รู้สึกดีมากๆเลยค่ะ
Ludwig Van Herzog
I tried a bottle of Ginseng Powder when I came last year. It is very fast and effective. Hence I purchase again via online for the same product. The service was really efficient and I received my goods within 7 working days.
Kate Cheng
Hong Kong
Shannon De Cruz and family
From young, I learnt that ginseng is good for health but never understand why. Visitation to Ginseng center was enriching and was surprised to know the range of Korean Ginseng product available in Korea because I always had them as ginseng soup only. It had been 4 months and my younger generation is enjoying the products as much as I do. Will definitely revisit this place if I go to Seoul again.
Dr Ramon Magtajas
Ako ay isang Doctor at matagal nang gugamit ng mga alternative medicine at mahilig ding bumili ng mga herbal products pag nasa ibang bansa ako. Noong 2014 may trip kami sa South Korea at dumaan yung grupo namin sa isang bilihan ng mga Ginseng products. Nag ka interes ako sa isang producto na para sa mga may hika kasi ang mga apo ko ay minsan inaatake ng hika. Pag balik ng Pilipinas pinagamit ko ito araw araw sa aking mga apo, napansin ko na hindi na sila inaatake ng hika sa loob lang ng ilang buwan. Nang ma ubos yung produktong yun ay sinubukan naming mag order na via online para ma continue ang gamit. Sa ngayon ay masaya kami na bumubuti na ang kalagayan nila.
Fatima Bint Abd al-Rahman
I came here about 6 months ago with my family. We joined some day trip tour and we purchased some Ginseng products with Caviar. My family and I have a serious sinus and skin allergy problems, especially my youngest son diagnosed with Asthma. We were recommended to consume Caviar Ginseng Powder. However I realized my son is less dependent on the inhaler. InShaAllah!
พิพิธภัณฑ์โสมสวยงามอลังการมาก ไม่เหมือนใคร เข้าไปแล้วได้รับความรู้เกี่ยวกับโสมมากมาย ประทับใจมากๆเลยครับ
Korea (Republic of)
저는 사십때 후반에 가정주부입니다
최근3개월전부터 두통이심하고 식은땀이 많이나고 자주피곤해서 일화인삼정과를 한달동안 복용후
이증상들이 호전되었습니다
Jenny Louise
United States of America
I am Jenny Louise from Chicago. I have been married for 8 years. My husband and I always wish to have an additional member in our family. We tried to find many solutions but failed. Until our Sakura trip to South Korea last Spring, we were introduced to Honeyed Ginseng. Thank God for blessing us, I am now finally pregnant with 5 months.
Halo sayatamudari Indonesia, namasaya Hendra. Keluargakutidakpernahmakan Ginseng karenakatanyamakan ginseng itupanas.Dan 2 bulanlalu, sayadibawake Korea Ginseng Center di Korea.Awalnyasayatidakmaumembeli, tapimerekamemberikanpresentasi yang meyakinkansayatentang ginseng.Dan akhirnyasayamaumencobanya.Kemudiansayamemutuskanuntukbeli ginseng ekstrak, karenasayasukalemburkerja, jadisayabutuh stamina. Dan benarloh, setelahsayacoba 1 bulan, stamina sayabeda, dansayatidakgampangsakit. Faktanyatidaksemua ginseng itupanasloh.
I was on a tour to Korea with my family and bought Doctor Ginseng and another Ginseng Product from the Museum for my mum whos a diabetic. For the products that I bought, the staff also gave me some free gifts in the form of other types of products. They were expensive, but when I heard my mum telling me that she felt more energetic, her face was glowing and her health also improved, it was worth it. Having finished them, she looks forward to buying some more.
Sharon Lim
I have heard a lot of rave about Ginseng and its benefit through TV programs and talk shows but have not gotten a chance to give it a try. Having been on a tour to Korea and being brought to Ginseng Center, I have the opportunity to learn and know more about Korean Ginseng. I was reluctant to try initially due to the steep price, but still gave ginseng products a shot for the benefit of my own health. I have seen positive changes in my body since taking ginseng products and do not feel as restless or as tired a before!
Marlou Reyes
Ang aking tita ay may problema sa kalusugan dahil sa sakit na kanser. Madalas siyang manghina bilang epekto sa kanyang chemotherapy. Nang maka pasyal ako sa Korea at dumaan sa isang malaking ginseng center napag alaman ko na meron silang isang item na maganda para sa mga may kanser at ito ang Dr.Ginseng. Bumili ako at pinasubok ito sa aking tita. Hindi pa niya naubos ang isang box ay medyo napansin na niya na iba ang pakiramdam niya sa kanyang katawan. Hindi na siya tamlay at nagagawa na ang mga dating ginagawa sa bahay. Sa ngayon ay hindi na siya katulad dati na parang wala ng ganang mabuhay, ngayon ay nakapag travel na din siya kasama kami at punong puno na ng ligaya.
Puan Hamzah Abdullah
Saya bangsa Melayu dari Malaysia, sebenarnya saya tak tahu apa itu ginseng korea, tapi nasib baik ada Malaysia staff di sana. Dengan penjelasan yang teliti, Ginseng Korea sudah terbukti dengan membantu meningkatkan kesihatan kita. Saya selalu merasakan badan letih. Oleh sebab itu saya belikan serbuk ginseng dan minum setiap hari, sampai sekarang badan saya sangat sihat dan rasa bagus sekali!
Datuk Eddie
Tôi đã được một người bạn tặng sản phẩm sâm mật ong của trung tâm chongha hàn quốc. Sau khi sử dụng sản phẩm này một thời gian tôi thấy bệnh đau nửa đầu của tôi thuyên giảm, tối ngủ ngon hơn và không bị strees nhiều như trước, tôi sẽ dùng sản phẩm này tiếp tục trong thời gian tới.
Rosa Natividad
Yung family namin ay gumagamit na ng mga ginseng dati. nang pumunta ako sa Korea nalaman ko na maraming uri pala ng ginseng na iba sa karaniwang ginagamit namin sa Pilipinas. Bumili ako ng extract bilang pasalubong para sa daddy ko kasi mataas ang uric acid at may mga gout din sa daliri at paa. pagkaraan ng tatlong buwan napansin namin na medyo humupa yung gout niya. nag pa check up kami para malaman yung level ng kanyang uric acid at napag alaman namin na naging ok na ito. nakakatuwa na naging maayos na ang pakiramdam ng daddy ko dahil dito.
Tina Susana Agus
Saya belum pernah mencoba product ginseng selama ini, pada saat tour ke korea Agustus 2017 lalu saya mencoba beberapa product ginseng, salah satu diantaranya yang paling terasa manfaatnya adalah Korean Taekuk Honeyed Ginseng, yang menyembuhkan sakit susah tidur saya, tidurpun jadi begitu nyenyak dan berkualitas, badan terasa fit. product lain yang saya konsumsi juga adalah dr ginseng dan ginseng capsule, recommended deh.
Korea (Republic of)
지인의 소개로 일화제품을 소개받아 액기스를 먹게 되었습니다.
면역력이 약해서 환절기마다 감기를 달고 살았는데 액기스를 아침,저녁으로 복용후 감기 걸리는 일이 줄어들었고 피로감도 없어졌습니다.
Saya Rainy dari Bogor. Saya mau memberikan komen dari produk ginseng yang saya beli di Korea bulan Juni kemarin di Ginseng Center pada saya ikut tour. Saya ada beli produk nama-nya DR Ginseng. Sebelumnya suami saya ada di operasi di India untuk transplantasi Liver-nya. Setelah makan selama 2 bulan produknya setiap hari dengan rutin,hasil yang didapatkan sangat baik,mulai dari stamina dan hasil lainnya. Saya berharap tamu yang lain juga mau mencoba produk Ginseng dan dapat hasil juga seperti saya.
Malcolm Hemsworth
Previously I do not fancy Ginseng and it seems abit costly. But somehow was convinced by the sales to give it a try and surprisingly I start to feel the difference. Stamina is getting better after I start taking the 6 years balancing ginseng!
Joanne Lee
This is my first trip to Ginseng Museum despite been to korea for a few times. It was very informative and got to learn things I never knew. Sales staff was very professional and patient with my queries, not pushy about selling. Albeit the products were pricy, I still got the ginseng powder for my kids. Their immunity and sinus problem seems to improve so far.